WordPress Maintenance & Security

WordPress Maintenance Package

The work doesn’t stop after launch day. WordPress sites require regular maintenance to keep up with the latest updates, rank on Google, and stay safe against attacks. 

We’ll go under the hood of your website twice per week to ensure things are running smoothly and keep you updated on your site’s overall health with regular reports. 

You’ll know exactly where you stand and how to maximize your site’s capabilities so you can strengthen your digital presence.

Monthly Maintenance Package Includes:

  • In-depth Security & Performance Audit
  • 2x Weekly Plugin, Theme, and CMS Updates
  • Daily Backups
  • Malware Scanning
  • Security Hardening w/ Realtime Threat Monitoring
  • 404 and Uptime Monitoring
  • Reports & Analytics
  • Site Speed Improvements
  • 1 Hour Tech Support
wordpress maintenance and security monthly plans

Monthly Maintenance To Keep Your Website Secure & Up-to-Date


+ $120 one-time setup fee

– cancel anytime –

What We Will Achieve For You





Domain & Hosting

DNS Support

Monthly Reports

Admin Alerts


Consistent Updates

Twice-Weekly updates to WordPress core (the platform itself), installed themes, and all third-party plugins your site uses to operate. Before deploying any update, we create a full offline backup of your website should something fail during the update. After each update, we manually check your entire site and will roll back to the last backup should we find any errors or breaks in the coding that would cause issues for the end-user.

Your Data Backed Up

Full Daily offsite cloud backups of the entire website and platform. This include the database, themes, plugins and uploads.

Always A Step Ahead

We provide world class security features through the #1 safest and most downloaded security provider available to WordPress.

  • Daily Scans for malware and provide clean up services if something was to get past the firewall (very rare, but anything is possible in the 21st century).
  • We’ll implement the correct settings and enhancements that go beyond the default settings. We also monitor RSS feeds for new threats that arise and need to be addressed promptly for your plugins, themes and core files.
  • Audit and secure your site and set you up for success during our setup process. Every site and hosting environment is different, so we work with you. We identify plugins that are no longer updated by their developer or are found to be inferior to something else on the market. We will suggest alternatives if they work with your needs.
  • Monitor your SSL certificate, configure HSTS protocol, configure 301 redirects, and configure security headers for complete end-to-end security.

Included Features:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Login Security w/ Leaked Password Protection
  • Real-Time IP Blocklist
  • Brute Force Protection
  • Security Scanner, Malware Detection, Live Traffic
  • Advanced Manual Blocking
  • Two-Factor Authorization
  • Core File Repairing

Never Worry Again

We monitor domain registration and hosting plan and troubleshoot any back-end issues from the registrar or provider.

Here When You Need Us

Full support for DNS updates/changes for any 3rd party integrations as needed. Example: if you add Mailchimp for email marketing, we will add the proper DNS records for email deliverability.

Stay In The Know

Every month, you’ll receive a report of what’s been happening behind the scenes. See how many backups you have, total up-time, traffic analytics, security audits, PageSpeed score, and more. You’ll always know you’re website is safe.

Always A Step Ahead

Your hosting server will randomly go down now and then, or your WordPress installation will incur a back-end error. With custom admin alerts, we’ll know when something happens to your site when no one is looking, allowing us to fix the issue before you or a user identifies it.

60 Minutes Included

Every month you get access to our development team for support services for tasks like installing a plugin, cleaning up CSS issues, styling a plugin, adding in buttons/links, or making minor changes to your copy. The plan includes 1 hour of development support. You’ll be billed at a discounted rate or provided a proposal for more extensive projects with additional development time.

Ready To Secure Your Website?

WordPress Maintenance FAQ’s

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Is there a long-term contract or can I cancel anytime?

You may cancel at anytime upon a 20 day notice of cancellation to give us time to close out your account and provide you with instructions.

Do I have to pay for anything extra?

That depends. If you already have one of the leading WordPress security plugins installed with a premium license, then no, you would not. You would keep paying for that license according to your agreement with that company’s plugin. If the plugin you have is an inferior product, we would ask for you to switch to the one we trust and have worked with so we can provide top security for your website.

Do you only maintain WordPress websites?

Yes. We maintain WordPress only because it is not a fully managed like Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, or other platforms on the market. WordPress is our preferred CMS to develop and maintain.

How do I make a payment?

You’ll make recurring monthly payments through our Quickbooks payments and invoicing. You’ll receive an email five days before the payment is due where you’ll have an option to set it up automatically if you prefer. We accept credit cards and ACH transactions. Checks are not accepted.  

Is this a contactless service?

That’s up to you. If you are not regularly making updates to your site, then you can let us keep it maintained for you. We do check-in quarterly to provide a personalized email asking if any changes within your business would need to reflect on your website and to give a comprehensive report of our service to you.

How will we communicate?

We communicate and send reports entirely through email. Sometimes we initiate a chat over the phone when it’s easier to clarify a task or explanation.